Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ahhhh... Memories!

The end of this month is my son's 16th birthday. GAH!! His SIXTEENTH birthday! We have been doing a lot of remembering of various things since he has been home recovering from his surgery. Yesterday, he wanted to know about when he was born. As I retold the story, I thought to myself, this really should be shared. It is a pretty good story, so here goes!

Anybody who knows me, knows I never do anything halfway. Ever. It was no different being pregnant. I had morning sickness for 6 months, a kidney stone, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and went into labor at 30 weeks. Ahhhh.. so much fun! Now, onto the labor and delivery story.

To preface this story, anybody who knows my husband, knows it takes an act of God, to wake that man up. I am seriously not kidding. On May 23rd at about 1am, I woke up and realized my water had broke. I tried to wake up Scott (knowing this would take awhile) and get the phone calls to the parents made to tell them to get to the hospital in a couple of hours. I made him the strongest cup of coffee I could possibly make, and low and behold, he got up! I still think either his Momma or my Momma threatened him with some sort of bodily harm... Anyway, he shook the cobwebs out, and after about an hour or so we were on the way to the hospital which is about an hour away.

Everybody had told us that the first baby you have takes forever to get here. Ummm.. have you met me yet? My contractions were immediate after my water broke, and getting faster and faster on the drive down to the hospital. Scott drives for UPS for a living. That means he really can't get a ticket... so that meant he went 55 the whole damn way to the hospital. OMG... that was the longest ride ever. I kept saying "Go faster!!" he kept saying "I can't." I swear there were finger marks in the dashboard of my SUV after that night. We finally get to the hospital and since Scott was unfamiliar with the area turned down the wrong street. I was totally hollering at the man by this time, and so he decided to quick do a U-turn over a median... I thought I was going to drop that baby right then and there, but we ended up making it to the hospital in time.

We walk in the door, and they want to bring me a wheelchair. I was in such a hurry, I was like forget the damn chair people, get me to the delivery room!! They insisted and when we got to the L & D floor the nurse (who was very lucky to survive that night) asks me if I am sure my water broke or did I pee myself. Ummm.. WHAT??? Yes, I am sure my damn water broke! She checks and say's "Oh my, let's get you into a room right now". Duh...

As they were getting things ready in the room, my Mother in Law walks down the hall. They had been sitting in the waiting room! They made it to the hospital before we did! I loved that!! They get me into a room, and I am starting to pant, and think maybe having a baby wasn't such a smart idea, when they come in with The Magic Drugs! I am not one to turn down drugs at all, so they hook me up to the spinal. I waited and waited, while everybody is rushing around because I am starting to push... no magic drugs start working. I am completely sidetracked and just keep wanting to push!

Poor Scott is standing at the bottom of the bed, with he most beautiful look of horror on his face as I am pushing with everything I have in me. Then he turns the most glorious shade of green and has to leave the room for awhile. He is also lucky he lived to see another day, but that is another story for another day.
I keep pushing, and all of a sudden everybody is like get the doc. I started to worry at that point because everything had been going along so smoothly - except for the magic drugs didn't work. In comes the doc and he say's the baby is stuck, he won't fit through

and he is in distress, so we need to do an emergency C-section. Boo Yah!! Get this over with already!!!

They get me into the OR like almost instantly, only to have the anesthesiologist say, that the spinal is in the wrong place, and they can't move it until the baby is out. WHAT? No, wait... WHAT?? Ok, let's just get this over with, I need my baby out and healthy. So, they start cutting... I start screaming... I felt every second of that C-section. It was the most horrible experience of my entire life. They are moving my organs around and getting the baby out, and I am feeling every single thing. Scott is freaking out at everybody, wanting me to stop screaming.. they say we have to get the baby out, then we can sedate her.

Finally, they got the baby out, and the most spectacular drug induced haze came upon me! I will never forget that. They gave the baby to Scott, who said he was all in one piece, ten fingers and toes, although he had a droppy lip from the forceps, he was a perfectly healthy baby boy.

Two days after that, we brought home the most perfect baby boy. Brandon Leland Boland, 6lbs, 15oz. of perfection.

I would never trade that experience for anything. Ever. I love that kid with every fiber of my being and more.

5 months pregnant!!

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